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Laravel APIs. Using the Command Handler Pattern (Part 2)

Laravel APIs. Using the Command Handler Pattern (Part 1)

SQLite Studio (a quick walkthrough)

PHP and Laravel Development: A 17-part video series


Introduction to Rails: An eleven-part series

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Elixir: Pattern Matching - A Taste of Functional Programming

=  is a match operator After an initial assignment it then becomes a match assertion. num = 1 To check the match assertion you can try this and it will be valid 1 = num Furthermore, these are also valid: [1] = [1] [num] = [num] Destructuring [score1, score2, score3] = [89, 93, 87] IO.puts score1  # 89 IO.puts score2  # 93 IO.puts score3  # 87 {:ok, value} = {:ok, 1000} IO.puts value # 1000 {:error, message} = {:error, "Uh oh"} IO.puts message # "Uh oh" Error when matching: {:foo, value} = {:bar, "nope"} ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:bar, "nope"} Matching function arguments Various function definitions and subsequent calls: def sum_two_nums(num1, num2) do num1 + num2 end sum_two_nums(2,5) def sum_two_nums(%{num1: num1, num2: num2}) do num1 + num2 end sum_two_nums(%{num1: 2, num2: 5}) def sum_two_nums([num1, num2]) do num1 + num2 end sum_two_nums([2,5]) There's so much more you ...