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After meeting tpope and pair programming with reinh I got to see the power of vim. I have never used vim before so this is all new to me. I've been using TextMate exclusively since starting Rails a few years ago. I came to work and started in on a pursuit of how I can do in vim what I do in Textmate. While on this quest, I will document along the way some useful tips that may help you too.
I'll document some vim things I've learned so far:
Vim commands I use often:
  • gf - when cursor is on class name it'll take you to that class definition
  • yyp - duplicate current line
  • :AS - I use a lot to look at code and spec at the same time
  • ^p - autocomplete word from any open file
  • control + shift + 6 - switch between two buffers
  • shift + s - to delete current line
  • :%s/old/new/g - to change text to new text
  • / - to go to line number on page
  • /text, then enter key - to find text in file, n to find next
  • :split - split screen
  • :Rake - run specs in current file
  • :on - if in split screen, will make selected buffer the only buffer
  • escape key - to exit insert mode
  • o - create new line below existing line and enter insert mode
  • v aw - select a word
  • v ap - select paragraph (works well for method definitions too)
What are your favorite commands? I'll post more as I learn.


  1. run ruby in current file:

    :rubyf %

  2. No need for plugins for editing comments. Just use Visual Block mode with the 'c' command. Enjoy.


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