is a match operatorAfter an initial assignment it then becomes a match assertion.
num = 1
To check the match assertion you can try this and it will be valid
1 = num
Furthermore, these are also valid:
[1] = [1]
[num] = [num]
[score1, score2, score3] = [89, 93, 87]
IO.puts score1 # 89
IO.puts score2 # 93
IO.puts score3 # 87
{:ok, value} = {:ok, 1000}
IO.puts value # 1000
{:error, message} = {:error, "Uh oh"}
IO.puts message # "Uh oh"
Error when matching:
{:foo, value} = {:bar, "nope"}
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:bar, "nope"}
Matching function arguments
Various function definitions and subsequent calls:
def sum_two_nums(num1, num2) do
num1 + num2
def sum_two_nums(%{num1: num1, num2: num2}) do
num1 + num2
sum_two_nums(%{num1: 2, num2: 5})
def sum_two_nums([num1, num2]) do
num1 + num2
There's so much more you can do with pattern matching. It is one of the most powerful features you will learn and use when programming in Elixir.
Other posts in this series:
- A Taste of Functional Programming
- Anonymous functions
- Pattern matching
- Multi-bodied functions
- Higher order functions
- Side effects and state
- Composition
- Enumerables
- Partial function applications
- Recursion
- Concurrency
- Transitioning from OOP to functional
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